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Monday, September 25, 2017

blessed are those who believe

Blessed are Those Who Believe Jesus is the way the truth the life 

You did not find this website by accident. You are here because you are searching for the answer. The truth behind everything’s meaning. Why you are here? What is the purpose of this life? The reason behind it all is LOVE…God’s love.

God Created Man and Woman

In the beginning, God wanted a family… so he created Man and Woman. His desire was for a true relationship, not a forced one. God wanted someone to choose to love Him so He gave Man and Woman a choice. They chose themselves.

The Sin of Man

With this choice, sin was introduced on earth. Sin is anytime we miss the mark of perfection and love ourselves more than God or others. Have you sinned? Well, the Bible — “God’s words to us” — tells us that everybody has sinned.
So what’s the problem? Well, sin created a separation between man and God. It prevents us from having a true relationship with him. Something had to be done to bridge the gap. Some people think if you work hard enough you can make a bridge over the gap to God…but it just doesn’t work.

Jesus Christ

The only way to reach God is for God to build a bridge. He did this by sending his son in the form of man as Jesus and dying for our sins. Why did He have to die? Because the punishment for sin is death. God’s one and only son Jesus stepped in for us and took our sin on himself, and by doing this, He set us free and bridged the gap to a full relationship with Him. That is what the love of God is. It’s not judgment. It’s not condemnation.

God Wants A Relationship With You

You may have never given your life to Jesus Christ; or maybe you prayed as a child years ago and drifted away from having a relationship with God. No matter how far away from God you may feel right now, the amazing news is that God has never stopped wanting to have a relationship with you.
He loves you with absolutely no conditions. Nothing you could do could ever win or lose the love of God. All you have to do to be saved is accept it. Ask for it. God says everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. You can have the real, loving relationship with God that He always wanted. Just call on His name…Jesus.
Don’t wait any longer to join Him in this lasting relationship.

Pray this simple prayer:

Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner.
I thank You for dying on the Cross for me. I confess with my mouth. I believe in my heart that You are the Son of God. I believe You are the Lord and that God raised You from the dead. Please, forgive me of my sins. Wash my heart clean. Come live in my life.
Be the Lord of my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Teach me to walk with You and live for You the rest of my life. Thank You for saving me and for giving me the gift of eternal life in Heaven with You. Amen.

abide in JESUS and be free

Move Closer Every Day
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
John 15:5

Abiding in Jesus isn't something that comes automatically to any believer. It's a lifestyle that involves discipline and effort.
We have to choose to give ourselves to our union with Him, to give Him first place where our attention is concerned. If we want to grow spiritually, if we want to walk in power and in fellowship with the Lord, we'll have to spend the time it takes to know Him.
That's not something we can do for a while and then forget about either. We must continue in it every day. For the moment we stop moving closer to Jesus, we always start drifting away.
You see, here in this natural world you're surrounded by ungodliness. You live in a body that is totally natural. Unless you purposely counter that with daily prayer and time in the Word, your body and your mind will simply give in to the pressures around you and go the way of the world.
Right now, make a decision to give yourself to the things of God. Focus your attention on the Lord. Surround yourself with His Word. Listen to preaching and teaching tapes while you're getting dressed, driving to work, preparing dinner, working on your car, exercising, cleaning house and when you go to bed. Listen to the Word of God anytime, anywhere!
Abide in Him today.
God's Will Is Liberty
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17

Liberty. If you could put the will of God into one word, that would be the word. God wants people to be free. Free from sin, sickness, poverty, oppression and every other curse.
That freedom is what Jesus came to provide. He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised" (Luke 4:18). That's what He trained His disciples to do. And if you're a born-again believer, that's what He wants you to do too!
Some people say, "Well, I don't know about that. That may not be God's will for today."
But listen, the Bible says God never changes. He hasn't changed His will for the earth. He doesn't do one thing awhile and then go do another thing awhile. Jesus' life was a perfect picture of God's will 2,000 years ago-- and it still is! That's why He left instructions for us to go and do the works that He did. That's why He sent the Holy Spirit to empower us to do them.
Jesus still wants to do the will of the Father here on earth--but He does it through us. He has to work with us until we're willing to lay down our traditions and let Him do His thing. That's what the early Church did. They started out with a bang because they did as Jesus taught them. Everywhere they went people became free.
Let's pray for the Church of today to deliver the liberty of God to the world. Let's quit questioning the will of God and start carrying it out instead. He said the works that He did we would do also and even greater works (John 14:12). It's time for us to take up where Jesus left off and set the captives free!

Jesus always has time for you

“I am the Alpha and the Omega [the Beginning and the End],” says the Lord God, “Who is [existing forever] and Who was [continually existing in the past] and Who is to come, the Almighty [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all].”

Jesus Always Has Time For You

Ever been too busy to get something done, and then find out that it’s too late when you finally get down to it? As human beings, we live our lives constrained by time. But Jesus, the one who created time, is not time-bound. He always has time for each one of us!

Even in His earthly ministry, in His limited form as Man, He always had time to minister to people. Consider a typical day in His ministry: When a severely demon-possessed man cried out from the tombs of a distant region, He had time to sail all the way from Galilee to the country of the Gadarenes to save that lonely, tormented man. On the way there, He had time to respond to the cries of His disciples when a fierce storm arose. He awoke from a much-deserved sleep and calmed the storm for them.

After He saved the demonized man and returned to Galilee, another man, Jairus, came to him for help. Jairus’ 12-year-old daughter was dying and he begged Jesus to come to his house to heal her. Jesus agreed—He had time. But on His way there, a woman with a 12-year bleeding condition secretly touched the hem of His garment and received her healing. Though Jairus’ daughter was in the throes of death, Jesus had time to find out who had touched Him, just so that He could minister to that person.

While Jesus was ministering to the woman, He received a death report concerning Jairus’ daughter. Now, in the natural, Jesus was “too late”. Yet, He did not consider it a waste of time to encourage Jairus, “Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well.” (Luke 8:49–50) He wasn’t troubled or harried. He took time to go to Jairus’ house and He raised the little damsel from the dead.

My friend, this same loving Jesus always has time for you, His beloved. He hears your cries, cares about the little and big things that bother you, and will come and save you. Even when He is “busy”, He has time to stop and minister to you. Even when it seems “too late”, He will still see to it that you get your miracle!

Thought For The Day
Jesus, who is not bound by time, always has time for each one of us!

Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, as Omega is the last. These letters occur in the text of Rev. 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13, and are represented by “Alpha” and “Omega” respectively (omitted in R.V., 1:11). They mean “the first and last.” (Comp. Heb. 12:2; Isa. 41:4; 44:6; Rev. 1:11, 17; 2:8.) In the symbols of the early Christian Church these two letters are frequently combined with the cross or with Christ’s monogram to denote his divinity.”

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