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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Speaking with one voice 03

By: Lisa Bevere

The dynamic of foreign languages was birthed at the tower of Babel when God scattered a disobedient people who were on the verge of achieving the impossible:

The impossible would have been possible because of two factors: a united people and a shared language. The people’s outright disobedience would have been hailed a success. God put an end to their nonsense by confusing😟 the languages and💡 scattering the people to the four corners of the earth. gen.11:7

Our human existence began with one language, and I believe it will end with one language: the language of God-wonder. Scripture tells of the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:2  , "…And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing🔔 them speak in his own language."

Multitudes gather when heaven finds voice on earth. When we have something to say, God finds a⚠ way for others to 🔊hear it. No one was left out. When we speak 😀His words by the power🔥 of His Spirit, astonishing things happen. I long for this unified expression of God-wonder. Even more powerful than a common earthly language is the collective power of saying the same thing. On the day of Pentecost the declarations of heaven invaded earth and all who were present knew it.

psalm 19:14
Our God Most High is triumphant. His glorious love 💖and wondrous 🍔mercy know no bounds. I am hungry for something so much more! I believe we are yet again on the threshold of heaven finding a collective voice on earth.
The Lord came and stood, and He called as at other times, “Samuel, Samuel.” Then Samuel said, “🙏Speak, for Your servant listens.”
1 Samuel 3:10 MEV

Whether you believe in speaking in tongues or not, a bigger question is on the table. Will we use our 😇words in a way that 🎯unites the Church so we can glorify God? Let’s declare His flawless works and allow a ⛅unifying work of His Spirit to begin! Commitments to 😊unity will not work unless all the participants are aligned with a higher cause. Let’s glorify Him.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to speak words of 🌷unity through you.

Ask the Holy Spirit to 😇direct your path to those who need words of hope.

Pray the power of God’s Spirit will give you a👑 boldness to speak of His mighty works.

Living in Spirit baptism 02

By: George O. Wood

When praying for the baptism in the Spirit as a young person, I would hear people use Luke 11:9–13 to teach about it—ask, seek, knock. But I misunderstood these verses. I really didn’t think 😟the Holy Spirit wanted to have anything to do with me. I felt that I not only had to ask, but I had to beat the door down.

In reality, this passage reminds us that Spirit baptism is not something we ask for once. It should be something we ask for and expect to receive 🌹 repeatedly. This is why Jesus used the progressive present tense. Go 🙏on asking, go on 🙏seeking, go on knocking. There is never any time in your life where you should simply come to rest and say, “I’ve received all the Spirit of God I’ll ever need.”

We never have enough 🎯of God’s Spirit. Yes, we have enough to serve God capably today, but we must replenish ⚠the supply of His presence in succeeding days. Jesus gave us a pattern to follow—ask, seek and knock. If you’re not filled to the level of your need for the Spirit today, then ask, seek and knock. And go on 😊asking, seeking and knocking, until you’re full and satisfied for that moment. Then, there will come 🙌another moment where you’ll need more 😊of the Spirit. It’s right to say, “Father, You promised the Spirit. You promised the baptism in the Spirit. I’m here to ask.”

Don’t treat the baptism in the Spirit as something that happens only 💡 once. Exercise the🍞 gift. Paul said to Timothy about his ministry in 2 Timothy 1:6, “Stir 🔥up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands” (KJV). The NIV says “fan into🔥 flame.” The word for “stir up” is a Greek word that represents a hot coal, an ember, a spark. A charcoal fire needs to be 🔥 fanned into flame. This is the word Paul used.

Do not be drunk with wine, for that is reckless living. But be 💕filled with the Spirit.
Ephesians 5:18 MEV

When He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
John 20:22 MEV

When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was 💒 shaken. And they were all 🔥filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with 🍓boldness.
Acts 4:31 MEV

There will be times when we need the wind⛅ of the Spirit of God to rekindle a gift 🌷for ministry. This is true with the baptism in the Spirit as well. Kindle, rekindle, keep being filled with the Spirit so that this blessed experience is a 😀regular expression of your relationship with Christ.

By faith🙌, stir up the gift of God inside you as you pray. Hear🔔 what the Spirit has to say about you and agree with Him.

Ask for more of the Holy Spirit to 🎯fill you, transform💡 you and flow out of you.

21 century pentecostal 01

By: Billy Wilson.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2 changed the Church, and the Church changed the world. The same has happened since the ⚠renewal of Pentecostal experience 100 years ago. Six hundred fourteen million people, or over thirty percent of all adherents to Christianity, are now Spirit Empowered (Charismatic/Pentecostal) according to the most recent Pew Forum survey.

Growth rates in this Empowered movement between 1910 and 2010 were nearly four 👍times the growth rate of Christianity and the world’s population. Harvey Cox, a Harvard University professor, says that Spirit Empowered Christianity is “the fastest growing Christian movement on earth.”

The immediate presence of God is longed for by this generation. As we face world problems and overwhelming human difficulties, God’s power 💕will sustain us. Not only can we survive☕ these tumultuous days on planet earth, we can be empowered 🔥to help others find the comfort we know in Him.

and the lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the house of the Lord where the ark of God was. Then the Lord called to Samuel, and he answered, “Here I am.”
1 Samuel 3:3‭-‬4 MEV

First Samuel 3 gives an account of Samuel’s calling. The high priest Eli was old. His eyes were growing dim and his spiritual 😟perception was dull. The seven–pronged golden candlestick that was meant to burn day and🌷 night in the Holy Place of the tabernacle was burning out. The flame on the candlestick needed to be tended ⚠or it would go out, resulting in a deep, cold darkness in the place meant for God’s presence. Just before the fire burned out––before the candle grew cold, before the flame flickered for the last time––God🔊 CALLED!🙌🙌

“Samuel, Samuel!” Samuel misperceived the call as coming from Eli, from man. But the call 🔊continued until finally Samuel 🙌answered God’s voice and became a fiery prophet to his generation. The fire continued to 🔥burn!🔥🔥

Now the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming 🔥fire on the top of the mountain to the eyes of the children of Israel.
Exodus 24:17 MEV
exodus 25:31
hebrews 12:28

God is calling for a new 🙌generation to experience His 🔥fire. The candle burns low in many parts of the world and the place meant for blazing 💖 passion has become darkened and cold.
Samuel, or Johnny, Benny or Kathryn or Sue, Mark or Victoria or Hans or Amir, or Pablo etc —God is 🔊calling! Awaken to experience 🍓His fire and reach the world in the 21st century. Catch the fire 🔥and spread the fire 🔥🔥


Pray for 🙏awakening across the globe so that the fire 🔥will not go out!

Ask for a renewed 💖passion in your heart for the 🔔people and things of⚠ God.

Pray for spiritual ears to 💡be open to God’s call, and that many will follow Him.

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