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Friday, September 21, 2018

Hillsong leaving assemblies of God ???

Hillsong Church🇦🇺 Has Outgrown Its Denomination

Hillsong Church
Hillsong Church has pulled out from under its denomination in order to create its own denomination. In a letter to Australian Christian Churches (ACC), pastor Brian Houston cites the increasingly global “footprint” of Hillsong as the reason the multi-national church is leaving.
“As Hillsong Church has continued to grow, we no longer see ourselves as an Australian Churchwith a global footprint, but rather a Global church with an Australian base,” Houston writes in the letter. 
Since its inception in 1983, Hillsong has been under the covering of ACC, the Australian branch of the Assemblies of God denomination🇦🇺. Houston himself has held his credentials as a pastor through ACC for almost 40 years now.
The decision to leave comes after two years of “prayerful discussion” on Hillsong’s Australian and global boards.

The Reasons Hillsong Church Is Leaving the ACC 🇦🇺🇦🇺

In the letter to ACC, Houston articulates the church’s reasons for leaving.
First of all, he highlights the global reach of Hillsong, citing the following facts:
Two-thirds of the people attending Hillsong live in countries beyond Australia;
The church has staff in 24 nations;
123 campuses and locations;
263 different church services on any given weekend.
Houston describes Hillsong as “One House, with many rooms.”
With such a global reach, that is continuing to grow, Houston writes:
It has become clear to us that we need to be able to credential our own pastors and restructure our church in a way that enables us to give due diligence to governance, risk, church health, safe church and many other policies that are crucial to the future progress of Hillsong, globally.
Houston writes the church has taken the necessary steps to register Hillsong with the Australian Department of Births, Deaths and Marriages so they can now credential pastors “in our own right.”
Houston explained his reasoning for wanting Hillsong to be able to credential pastors through a hypothetical situation.
This recognition alleviates the issues that would occur if, for example, a concern arises that affects the credential of a Hillsong Church youth pastor in one of our campuses in Europe. The Australian ACC cannot be expected to have adequate information to address this issue or even know who the person is, let alone the resources to appropriately deal with the issue on a personal or pastoral level.
Looking to the future, Houston wishes for Hillsong to remain a part of the ACC, but with a different role. He indicated the church is working with the ACC National Executive to define this role as an “associate church.” Houston wants to “continue to lean into the ACC” and support initiatives such as the denomination’s conferences, missions, and Alphacrucis, a Bible college located in Sydney, Australia affiliated with the denomination.
Wayne Alcorn, the President of ACC, agrees this “change in relationship” between the ACC and Hillsong is not due to a disagreement. “May I emphasise that the relationship between Hillsong Church and ACC is strong. The change in relationship has been facilitated by Hillsong’s global growth, rather than any disagreement,” he said. Further, he likened the change in relationship to a “child who has grown up and now has a larger life outside the family home.”
Hillsong has several churches in the United States. Locations include Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City and Phoenix.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Behind the Living Bible and New Living Translation

Behind the Living Bible and New Living Translation

Founder: Kenneth N. Taylor

For Dr. Kenneth Taylor, making Scripture accessible for all people was his life’s passion. Concerned that his ten children were having a hard time understanding the King James Bible, Taylor began paraphrasing the scriptures, so they could better understand the nightly Bible readings.

In 1954, as he rode the commuter train to his job in Chicago, Taylor started paraphrasing the New Testament into modern English. After seven years of writing and rewriting, he submitted the manuscript to several publishing houses, but it was rejected by all of them. Convinced that there was value in the work for more than just their children, Taylor and his wife Margaret, decided to use their limited savings to publish Living Letters.

In 1962, Taylor exhibited his self-published Living Letters at the Christian Booksellers Association convention. The following spring Billy Graham saw a copy of Living Letters and asked if he could print a special edition and offer it on the telecasts of his crusades. Half a million copies were given away through the Graham crusades. Ken Taylor’s dream had become a reality and more—a publishing entity had been born. Tyndale House Publishers grew from a modest home into a major publishing entity that reaches every continent in the world.

Taylor was born on May 8, 1917, in Portland, Oregon, to George and Charlotte Huff Taylor. Due in large part to his pastor father and godly mother, Taylor developed a solid faith in Christ and a deep respect for the Bible at a very young age. He graduated from Wheaton College (Wheaton, Illinois) in 1938, attended Dallas Theological Seminary for three years, and received a Th.M. from Northern Baptist Seminary in 1944. (He later received honorary doctorates from Wheaton College, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Huntington College, and Taylor University.)

Taylor, who spent 65 years in the publishing industry, began his career as editor of HIS magazine and later served as director of Moody Press in Chicago. He was the author of many children’s books, including The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes and My First Bible in Pictures.

But Ken Taylor is probably best known as the man who wrote The Living Bible, a paraphrase of Scripture that to date has sold more than 40 million copies.

The Living Bible was born out of Taylor’s deep desire for his children to understand God’s Word. Taylor and his wife, Margaret, raised ten children in their Wheaton home. Each night, as a part of their evening routine, the family spent time reading the Bible, singing hymns, and praying together.
But Ken found the King James Version of the Bible—the most commonly used translation at the time—especially difficult for his young children to understand.

Taylor recalled that as a young man, he had also been frustrated by the complicated 17th century language of the King James Version, and he didn’t want his children to have to struggle in the same way. So to help his family make better sense of the Bible, Taylor began to reword specific passages in simple, conversational language, easy enough for even his youngest child to understand. Soon the children were responding to what they were hearing, and Taylor knew he was on to something. He began to paraphrase more passages from the New Testament, often during his daily train commute from Wheaton to Moody Press in downtown Chicago.

Taylor finished his paraphrase of the New Testament epistles in 1962, but he was chagrined to find that no publishers shared his enthusiasm for the project, which he called Living Letters. Finally, although they had little money and two children already in college, Ken and Margaret decided to publish Living Letters themselves. Paul Benson, president of Lithocolor Press, offered to print 2,000 copies and allow the Taylors to pay for them when the books sold.

Taylor named his fledgling company Tyndale House Publishers, after William Tyndale, the 16th century reformer who was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. In its early days, Tyndale House was literally a kitchen-table operation. The older daughters typed Ken’s manuscripts, Margaret typed invoices and mailing labels, and the younger children stuffed envelopes and packed books ordered by bookstores.

As Taylor continued to paraphrase the rest of the Scripture, orders for Living Letters trickled in slowly. But when evangelist Billy Graham began to use Taylor’s work as a premium for his television broadcasts, demand for the books began in earnest.

In 1967 the Living New Testament was published, and in 1971 the complete Living Bible was released to an eager public. It became the best-selling book in the United States for the next three years, after which Publisher’s Weekly decided not to allow Bibles to compete with “regular books” for a spot on the best-seller list!

As the success of The Living Bible continued to grow, Taylor’s quiet generosity and heart for Christian service remained firm. He and Margaret committed right from the start to deposit all profits from The Living Bible into a charitable trust. Rather than reaping a financial reward from his years of labor, Taylor insisted that the Bible’s royalties be donated to Tyndale House Foundation, whose purpose is to support mission projects around the world. The foundation is still in place today and continues to promote Taylor’s vision and mission of making the Bible accessible and available to everyone.

Taylor was president of Tyndale House Publishers until 1984, when he turned over the reins to his son Mark. Ken continued to serve as chairman of the board from 1984 until his death. Today millions of readers around the world are familiar with Tyndale products, including such best-selling titles as Left Behind, Bringing Up Boys, and the New Living Translation.

As employees pass Taylor’s now-darkened office, they know there is still much work to be done. While its founder may no longer be physically present, Tyndale’s calling is stronger than ever: to create products that make the living Word of God accessible for all. Their role, as the corporate mission statement articulates, is to carry on Ken Taylor’s passion and “minister to the spiritual needs of people, primarily through literature consistent with biblical principles.”

Sunday, September 16, 2018

13. Outpouring of The Spirit

By: Jürgen Bühler

If there is one nation on earth which has a Biblical right to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, it is Israel. Many prophets prophesied to the Jewish people throughout history that a day would come when God would pour out His Spirit on Israel. On the day of Pentecost, when Peter stood up to speak to his Jewish brethren, he referred to Joel  2:28  and declared that “the promise (of the Spirit) is to you and to your children” (Acts 2:39).

The prophet Isaiah also foresaw revival for Israel. As he looked around Jerusalem, he found his people in a state of crisis and devastation. But then he declared that this would only last “until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high” (Isaiah 32:15). The direct result of the outpouring of God’s Spirit is peace, which is exactly what many Jews and Palestinians yearn for today. The true roadmap for peace in the Middle East is the through the outpouring of God’s Spirit on both Jews and Arabs. 
"And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn.
Zechariah 12:10 ESV

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Jeremiah 33:3 ESV

Today there is a new, dynamic move of the Spirit gaining momentum in the Middle East. According to Operation World, the nation with the highest rate of church growth in the world is Iran, and second to that is the nation of Afghanistan! God is in control. Here in Jerusalem we are hearing about revivals in Algeria and even in Egypt, and we know that God’s Word promises one day His Spirit will again be poured out in Jerusalem and on the house of David. 

What is the Holy Spirit saying to me?


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Israel to bring revelation of Messiah Jesus.

Pray for the continued revelation of Jesus Christ to people in the Middle East and that many would receive Him.

Pray for miracles, signs and wonders that will point people to the one true God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Ask God for an outpouring of His Holy Spirit in your home, family, friends, community and beyond.

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