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Monday, November 13, 2017

expect abundance blessings

Expect God’s Goodness And Abundance

Psalm 65:11
11You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.

The economic experts may have painted a gloomy picture for the year, but as far as God is concerned, He has crowned the year with His goodness and abundance! God’s supply and provision are never affected by world events, so good times or bad times, expect every month, every week and every day of this year to be surrounded by His goodness. Expect His abundance to meet your every need!

you may say
“I’ve not done much good in the past year, so how can I be confident that God will provide for me this year?”

My friend, God doesn’t bless you because of what you have done. He blesses you because of what Jesus has done. At the cross, Jesus bore all your sins and was punished to the full for every one of them, so that you can have His righteousness as a gift and be blessed with every one of God’s blessings
Ephesians 1:3 all blessings in Christ

2 pet 1:3  He has given us all things.

Now, look at the word “abundance” in Psalm 65:11. It is the Hebrew word deshen, which means “fatness”. The idea here is abundant provision, blessings and even fertility. (So if you have been believing God for a child for many years, believe that this is the year you will conceive!) Now, the word deshen has another meaning — “ashes”. Ash is the final form of something that has been burnt. For example, the animal sacrifices to God in the Old Testament were burnt on the altar until they became ashes. (Leviticus 4:12) So ashes here speak of the finished work of Jesus at the cross that has put away your sins.

My friend, because of Jesus’ finished work you can confidently believe and declare that the year is crowned with goodness and that God’s paths drip with His provision, blessings and good success for you every step of the way. If the devil tells you that God won’t bless you because of your sins, just tell him, “Ashes!” and point him to the cross of Jesus!

Beloved, you are blessed not because of your good works, good looks, qualifications or industry experience, but because of Jesus’ finished work. He alone has qualified you to receive God’s goodness and abundance every day for the rest of your life!

Christ has qualified you to receive God’s goodness and abundance every day.
In Jesus name.

joint heir with Christ

Joint Heirs With Christ Jesus

Romans 8:16–17
16The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,17and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ...

As long as you are born again, you are no longer a “slave”, but a son of the Most High God. And God does not just call you His son. He also calls you “an heir” through Christ. (Galatians 4:7) In fact, Romans 8:17 says that you are “joint heirs” with Christ.

As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you inherit everything that He is. How precious Jesus is to the Father, is how precious you are to the Father. The way the Father loves Jesus, is the way the Father loves you!

How accepted are you by God today? Look at Jesus. That is how accepted you are! Christ is the measure of your acceptance. How favored are you by God? Look at Jesus, who is seated at the Father’s right hand. You enjoy that same favor today because whatever Christ enjoys, you enjoy!

As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you also inherit all that He has obtained from the Father. How much Jesus has, is how much you have. How prosperous is the one who made all things, and who put the gold, silver and diamonds in the earth? So are you in this world! (1 John 4:17)

I used to read the Bible to find out how to be a successful and victorious Christian. But now, I read it to find out more about Jesus because I know that when I find Him, I find my every blessing in Him. (Ephesians 1:3, 2 Peter 1:3)

My friend, all that Jesus is in heaven today, you are in this world. All that belongs to Him belongs to you. That is why it is in your interest to know Him more, to see Him in all His glory and beauty. And because Jesus is so glorious, it will take you a lifetime to discover everything that He has done for you and has for you.

Beloved, you are an heir of the Most High God. You are a joint heir with Christ Jesus. So find out all the blessings that your rich inheritance includes and start walking in them today!

Thought For The Day
All that Jesus is in heaven today, you are in this world. source jp daily devo

Saturday, November 11, 2017

give thanks in all circumstances

Give Thanks in All Circumstances
 by Erin Mohring ~

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I remember reading this verse with one of our boys when he was small and he was confused. “How can I always be rejoicing? I have to be praying all the time? I don’t think I can be thankful when I’m sick!” I had to agree with him at the time — this verse asks a lot of us! In reading and praying more over it, I was able to tell my son (and myself) this truth:

It’s all about perspective.

“Rejoicing always” doesn’t mean we’re always jumping up and down with excitement, but rather refers to living in the joy of the Spirit. “Pray without ceasing” is not a command to get down on our knees in prayer all day long, but it is about our constant personal connection with God.

“Give thanks in all circumstances” is the easiest part of this passage for me to understand, but it isn’t always the easiest to live out. This time of year, as Thanksgiving approaches, we see people sharing their gratitude all over the place. It’s inspiring, but it doesn’t usually last past the holidays.

Paul wasn’t talking about seasonal gratitude. He was talking about a state of mind that starts with our trust in Jesus and belief that God works out all things for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). When we live this out, we can’t help but give thanks to Him, no matter what we are going through.

Here are three ways you children can express gratitude, as illustrated in this fun picture book:

1. Start the day with gratitude

Giving thanks to God right away in the morning shifts our perspective before anything else happens. Even saying, “Thank You, God, for another day to love and serve You!” can completely change how you approach the day!

2. Thank God for nature

When I’m having a rough day or week, getting out into nature and witnessing God’s beautiful creation can transform my mind. Go outside with your kids and take turns thanking God out loud for the beautiful things you see all around you – the changing leaves, the migrating birds, the refreshing breeze.

3. Write thank-you notes to family and friends

We write thank-you notes when we receive gifts, but let’s also use them to thank the special people in our lives for the gift of their presence! Set out a stack of blank note cards and encourage family members to use them to write one a week to someone who has helped or blessed them in some way.

In the middle of trials, expressing gratitude to the people God has placed in our lives reminds us we are not alone.

So many families have wonderful Thanksgiving traditions centered around giving thanks, but we can center our homes and family lives around gratitude year-round, in all circumstances, because He is good, He loves us, and those things will never change! Now that is a reason to rejoice!

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