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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Brian Houston statement on Hillsong

Brian C. Houston

Global Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church
So, has Hillsong really become its own denomination? The answer is mostly no, but partly yes.
Hillsong Church is still first and foremost a local church, which we lovingly describe as “One House, with many rooms.” In other words, we are a single local church with a global footprint which finds expression in many different locations and campuses around the world (currently in twenty-four countries). We do not intend to function as a denomination in the traditional sense of the word. I do not expect the nature, DNA, or spirit of our church to change at all. We do not intend to change the culture we cherish, or the global family we are building.
We are a denomination purely for practical reasons related to having the ability to ordain our pastors in Australia to legally conduct weddings as marriage celebrants operating under the rites of Hillsong Church. Why is this necessary? Because the responsibilities of a marriage celebrant are different in Australia compared to most of the Western world: the couple to be married does not go to a courthouse to register for their marriage. Rather, the pastor/celebrant is entrusted to oversee the legal responsibilities and formalities of the marriage.
Our major affiliation in Australia will continue to be the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) who I still consider to be “our tribe” and we aim to stay closely aligned with them as we envision our future in Australia together. We have not shifted doctrinally, and our statement of beliefs [READ HERE] remain close to those of the ACC and our relationship is strong.
I have noticed some local and international Christian Magazines have focused heavily on Hillsong becoming its own denomination – however that narrative does not accurately reflect the spirit and heart behind the direction we are taking. Our heart is for Hillsong to be able to give due diligence, pastoral oversight, and duty of care to our growing global network of pastors.
Hillsong is–and always has been–passionate about the gospel. In 2014, when our church turned thirty years of age, I reimagined our global vision [SEE HERE]. We desire to be a church that is “generous at heart, loving in nature, youthful in spirit, faith-filled in confession, and inclusive in expression.” We love Jesus and remain true to our mission to reach and influence the world by building a large Christ-centered, Bible-based church, changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact in every sphere of life.
The future is bright,
Brian Houston

Divine provision. You are blessed.

Divine provision.

You Are Already Blessed 

Joshua 24:13 
13I have given you a land for which you did not labor, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant.’ 

God is more willing to bless you than you are willing to be blessed! In fact, He is so keen for you to enjoy His abundance that in His mind, giving you over and above what you need is a settled matter.

God has already promised: “I have given you a land for which you did not labor, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant.”

He did not say, “I may give,” which means that it may or may not happen, but He said, “I have given,” which means that it has already happened. It is only a matter of time before your revelation of what you have through the work of Christ brings forth the abundance that He has already blessed you with.

A brother in the United States wrote in to share how he needed to buy a car, but had only half the amount of money needed. He kept calculating and strategizing, but the sums just weren’t adding up. He finally quit trying to make it happen and just rested in the Lord’s love and ability to provide for him. Weeks later, he was able to buy a car that was two years newer than what he had wanted, at exactly the amount that he had!

My friend, expect divine provision in your life because you are already blessed in Christ. Jesus took your place of poverty at the cross — “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9) In Him, you are poor no more.

So stop looking at the lack in your natural resources. Look to the cross and say, “Because of Jesus’ finished work, I can expect to walk in all of His blessings!”” 

Thought For The Day 
Look to the cross and say, “I am blessed through Jesus.” 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Earthquake and tsunami in Palu - Donggala

Pray for Palu, Donggala  Indonesia, the Recent Earthquake/Tsunami, and Relief Efforts

Kayla Koslosky

Wednesday afternoon October 3, Indonesia was struck with yet another disaster as a volcano on Sulawesi, one of the Indonesian islands, erupted. According to the Associated Press, Mount Soputan started spewing ash nearly 20,000 feet into the sky. Experts are saying this could be a direct result of the earthquake that happened last week.
As a result of this recent string of disasters on the Indonesian islands, thousands of people have either died or been displaced. The government is now calling for international aid as they race the clock to save lives and honor religious traditions. Incredibly, this story has received relatively little mainstream coverage in the Western hemisphere.

Here are five things you need to know about Indonesia and the Earthquake/Tsunami, including details, demographics, and what you can do to help!

1. Indonesia is located in a geographical region referred to as the “Ring of Fire.”

The tragedy in Indonesia comes following a major earthquake and landslide that happened last month in the neighboring islands of the Philippines. These countries are vulnerable to natural disaster’s such as earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides given their geographic location in what scientists call the “ring of fire.” According to National Geographic, the Ring of Fire is an area around the edge of the Pacific Ocean where there is a string of volcanoes and several sites of seismic activity, or earthquakes. National Geographic writes that “Roughly 90% of all earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire, and the ring is dotted with 75% of all active volcanoes on Earth.”
This is particularly problematic for Indonesia as it is a archipelagic country made up of 17,000 to 18,000 small islands stretching along the equator in South East Asia. Of these thousands of islands, only 922 are permanently inhabited with a population of 261.1 million people.
This year alone Indonesia has had nine earthquakes, eight of which were greater than a 5.0 magnitude. This one, however, was the only one to result in a tsunami.

2. 2. The majority of the population is Muslim.

Muslim populations could be found in Indonesia as early as the 13thcenturyin northern Sumatra. Gradually more and more people subscribed to Islam as opposed to Hinduism and Buddhism like those who inhabited the land before them. Today roughly 88 percent of the population identifies as Muslims, this is important in the cases of mass casualties because Muslim tradition dictates that a person must be buried within 24 hours of dying. Because of this, volunteers have been called upon to dig a massive 33-foot by 330-foot grave for the mass burial of those who lost their lives because of the tragedy. On Monday over 545 bodies were buried in the grave, but volunteers are preparing for a total of 1,300 bodies to arrive. Generally, in Indonesia citizens live in relative religious and cultural harmony.

3. The economy in Indonesia is one of the fastest growing economies in emerging countries, but they are in major debt.

Indonesia’s economy was in disarray following the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and has taken several other economic blows with Chinese market crashes over the years. Slowly, the country’s economy has been recovering, leading to it being called the leading emerging economy in the Southeast Asian sector. The economy was growing at a steady five percent each year up until this point, still, Indonesia is in massive debt. The country’s current deficit is USD $5.5 billion. According to Indonesia Investments, this is equivalent to 2.15 percent of the nation’s GDP in the first quarter of 2018. This is a steep deficit compared to the previous year which was only USD $2.4 billion in the first quarter. The Rupiah, Indonesia’s currency, was under pressure prior to the quake and tsunami from an emerging market currency sell-off, but with the death of almost 1,500 people so far, and the massive hit to the budget for reconstruction, the rupiah’s value has depreciated even more. This year the rupiah has dropped in value by nine percent to the dollar. Government officials have also expressed concern about the effects the collapse of the tourism industry will have on the economy amid the disaster. Bloomberg reports that the Indonesian government was planning to counter rupiah depreciation by leaning on tourism, an industry that in many areas has been completely wiped out.  This, along with several other factors, including as debris, lack of equipment, and a prior lack of resources, is making it incredibly difficult for the country to provide for the 1.6 million people effected by the disaster. On Monday the government announced its need for international aid, and as such organizations from around the world have sprung into action to help.
Franklin Graham’s international Christian relief organization Samaritan's Purse has begun to bring supplies to Indonesia. On Tuesday, the organization announced that they would be preparing to airlift life-saving emergency relief supplies to the disaster ridden country. With more than 1,300 people dead and thousands homeless and in desperate need, the team is planning to fly cargo jets over with heavy-duty plastic tarp, water filtration units, cooking kits and hygiene supplies for survivors. The North Carolina-based organization has a team made up of disaster response specialists on the ground in Indonesia already who are preparing to distribute critical supplies. The organization is deploying its DC-8 from North Carolina and chartering an MD-11 from Dubai to serve the people of Indonesia in whatever capacity they can.

4. The disaster has likely caused hundreds of billions of dollars in damage.

So far it is being reported that 1.61 million people have been affected by the quake and tsunami, but many areas are yet to be evaluated. Fox News reports that Donggala, Sigi and Parigi Moutong, which have a combined population of 1.2 million people have yet to be fully assessed as many areas are blocked off from aid. Thousands of homes, cars and businesses have been flattened and that total number of displaced people continues to grow, now in the 100,000s.

 A Hotel called Hotel Roa Roa ( 8 floor building own by local business man who also happened to be a pastor of the local IFGF church) collapsed in Palu with some 50 people inside. So far 3 survivors have been recovered from the hotel’s wreckages and nine bodies have been found. BBC reports that many are feared to still be buried.

One major structure that was damaged by the twin disasters was a mainline yellow bridge in Palu, the island that sustained the most damage and the highest losses. A major bridge in Palu was broken into several pieces and completely flattened, cutting off transportation in some areas and making the receipt of aid more difficult on the island. Along with the damaged bridge, there are also handfuls of blocked roads, significant damages to hospitals, a partially closed airport, and downed telecommunications.

The Palu airport has been temporarily converted into a military base for flying out supplies, but crowds of people have flocked to the airports tryinh to escape. This has made it difficult for pilots to land for fear of being mobbed.

One survivor, 44-year-old food vendor Wiwid, told Reuters, "I'd get a plane anywhere. I've been waiting for two days. Haven't eaten, barely had a drink.” The United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs says there are nearly 200,000 people in urgent need of assistance, about a quarter of them children.

5. There are tons of ways you can help Indonesia.

There are dozens of aid and relief organizations currently working in or with Indonesia amid this disaster. Many organizations have boots on the ground, like Samaritan’s Purse, and others have helped monetarily. Here is a short list of highly rated Christian relief organizations who you can get involved with if you are compelled to join the relief effort in Indonesia in some compacity.

World Vision International. World Vision International is an evangelical Christian humanitarian aid, development and advocacy organization. They are currently on the ground in Indonesia and accepting donations

Samaritan’s Purse. Samaritan’s Purse is an evangelical Christian humanitarian aid organization that provides international aid as a key part of Christian missionary work. This organization is run by evangelist Franklin Graham

Catholic Relief Services. Catholic Relief Services is an international humanitarian aid organization guided by the Catholic mission of doing good works for others.

World Hope International. World Hope International is a Christian relief and development organization that works in vulnerable communities to alleviate poverty, suffering and injustice

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