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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Hidup dalam Roh Kudus

Hidup dalam Roh Kudus: Mengalami Kuasa, Pelayanan yang Lebih Baik, dan Pembaharuan Setiap Hari
Pendahuluan: Saudara-saudaraku yang dikasihi dalam Kristus, hari ini saya ingin berbicara kepada kita semua tentang hidup dalam Roh Kudus. Saat kita membaca ayat-ayat Alkitab yang tercantum dalam Kisah 1:8, Roma 8:1,2, Efesus 5:18, dan Galatia 5:16,25, kita melihat janji-janji yang luar biasa tentang kuasa, pelayanan yang lebih baik, dan pertolongan yang diberikan oleh Roh Kudus. Allah ingin setiap orang percaya untuk hidup dalam kuasa dan pimpinan Roh-Nya. Hari ini, mari kita merenungkan bagaimana hidup dalam Roh Kudus dapat mengubah hidup kita dan membawa kita ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dalam pelayanan kita bagi Tuhan. I. Hidup dalam Roh Kudus: Kuasa yang Diberikan (Kisah 1:8) Ayat ini menggambarkan janji Yesus kepada murid-murid-Nya sebelum Ia naik ke surga. Yesus berkata, "Tetapi kamu akan menerima kuasa, kalau Roh Kudus turun ke atas kamu, dan kamu akan menjadi saksi-Ku di Yerusalem dan di seluruh Yudea dan Samaria dan sampai ke ujung bumi." Roh Kudus memberikan kekuatan kepada setiap orang percaya untuk menjadi saksi bagi Yesus Kristus. Dalam hidup kita sehari-hari, kita tidak perlu bergantung pada kekuatan diri sendiri, tetapi kita dapat bergantung pada kuasa dan pimpinan Roh Kudus yang tinggal di dalam kita. Roh Kudus memberikan kuasa untuk hidup kudus dan menjadi saksi yang efektif bagi Tuhan. II. Pelayanan yang Lebih Baik (Roma 8:1,2; Efesus 5:18) Roma 8:1,2 mengajarkan bahwa bagi mereka yang hidup dalam Roh, tidak ada lagi penghukuman. Roh Kudus membebaskan kita dari hukum dosa dan memberikan kita kehidupan yang baru dalam Kristus Yesus. Dalam Efesus 5:18, kita diajak untuk tidak mabuk dengan anggur, tetapi diisi, dipenuhi dengan Roh Kudus. Ketika kita hidup dalam Roh Kudus, kita tidak hanya menghindari dosa, tetapi kita juga diperbaharui dalam pikiran dan hati kita. Roh Kudus mengajarkan kita bagaimana hidup yang berkenan kepada Tuhan dan membantu kita tumbuh dalam karakter Kristus. Dalam pelayanan kita, Roh Kudus membimbing kita untuk menjadi alat yang lebih baik dalam tangan-Nya, melayani dengan kasih, kebenaran, dan kuasa-Nya. III. Roh Kudus sebagai Pembantu dan Penguat (Galatia 5:16,25) Dalam Galatia 5:16, Paulus menulis, "Hiduplah oleh Roh dan janganlah memenuhi keinginan daging." Roh Kudus adalah sahabat dan pembantu kita dalam hidup ini. Ia hadir untuk membantu kita mengatasi kelemahan dan godaan yang kita hadapi setiap hari. Roh Kudus memberikan kekuatan kepada kita untuk mengalahkan dosa dan hidup sesuai dengan kehendak Allah. Ketika kita hidup dalam Roh Kudus, kita akan mengalami pertumbuhan rohani yang lebih dalam dan menjadi lebih serupa dengan gambar Kristus. Kesimpulan: Hidup dalam Roh Kudus adalah panggilan yang dihadirkan oleh Allah bagi setiap orang percaya. Dalam hidup kita sehari-hari, kita membutuhkan kuasa, bimbingan, dan pertolongan Roh Kudus. Melalui Roh Kudus, kita dapat mengalami kuasa yang luar biasa, melayani dengan lebih baik lagi, dan mengalami pembaharuan setiap hari. Roh Kudus menguatkan dan memberdayakan kita untuk hidup sebagai saksi-saksi Kristus di dunia ini. Mari kita terus merindukan dan menghargai pekerjaan Roh Kudus dalam hidup kita, dan mengizinkan Dia untuk memimpin kita ke dalam hidup yang penuh kuasa, kesucian, dan kemenangan dalam Kristus. Ingatlah bahwa Allah memiliki "much much more" (lebih banyak lagi) yang akan diberikan Roh Kudus bagi kita. Terimalah pekerjaan-Nya dengan penuh sukacita dan percayalah bahwa Dia akan melampaui apa yang dapat kita bayangkan. Amin.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Brian Houston statement on Hillsong

Brian C. Houston

Global Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church
So, has Hillsong really become its own denomination? The answer is mostly no, but partly yes.
Hillsong Church is still first and foremost a local church, which we lovingly describe as “One House, with many rooms.” In other words, we are a single local church with a global footprint which finds expression in many different locations and campuses around the world (currently in twenty-four countries). We do not intend to function as a denomination in the traditional sense of the word. I do not expect the nature, DNA, or spirit of our church to change at all. We do not intend to change the culture we cherish, or the global family we are building.
We are a denomination purely for practical reasons related to having the ability to ordain our pastors in Australia to legally conduct weddings as marriage celebrants operating under the rites of Hillsong Church. Why is this necessary? Because the responsibilities of a marriage celebrant are different in Australia compared to most of the Western world: the couple to be married does not go to a courthouse to register for their marriage. Rather, the pastor/celebrant is entrusted to oversee the legal responsibilities and formalities of the marriage.
Our major affiliation in Australia will continue to be the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) who I still consider to be “our tribe” and we aim to stay closely aligned with them as we envision our future in Australia together. We have not shifted doctrinally, and our statement of beliefs [READ HERE] remain close to those of the ACC and our relationship is strong.
I have noticed some local and international Christian Magazines have focused heavily on Hillsong becoming its own denomination – however that narrative does not accurately reflect the spirit and heart behind the direction we are taking. Our heart is for Hillsong to be able to give due diligence, pastoral oversight, and duty of care to our growing global network of pastors.
Hillsong is–and always has been–passionate about the gospel. In 2014, when our church turned thirty years of age, I reimagined our global vision [SEE HERE]. We desire to be a church that is “generous at heart, loving in nature, youthful in spirit, faith-filled in confession, and inclusive in expression.” We love Jesus and remain true to our mission to reach and influence the world by building a large Christ-centered, Bible-based church, changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact in every sphere of life.
The future is bright,
Brian Houston

Divine provision. You are blessed.

Divine provision.

You Are Already Blessed 

Joshua 24:13 
13I have given you a land for which you did not labor, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant.’ 

God is more willing to bless you than you are willing to be blessed! In fact, He is so keen for you to enjoy His abundance that in His mind, giving you over and above what you need is a settled matter.

God has already promised: “I have given you a land for which you did not labor, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant.”

He did not say, “I may give,” which means that it may or may not happen, but He said, “I have given,” which means that it has already happened. It is only a matter of time before your revelation of what you have through the work of Christ brings forth the abundance that He has already blessed you with.

A brother in the United States wrote in to share how he needed to buy a car, but had only half the amount of money needed. He kept calculating and strategizing, but the sums just weren’t adding up. He finally quit trying to make it happen and just rested in the Lord’s love and ability to provide for him. Weeks later, he was able to buy a car that was two years newer than what he had wanted, at exactly the amount that he had!

My friend, expect divine provision in your life because you are already blessed in Christ. Jesus took your place of poverty at the cross — “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9) In Him, you are poor no more.

So stop looking at the lack in your natural resources. Look to the cross and say, “Because of Jesus’ finished work, I can expect to walk in all of His blessings!”” 

Thought For The Day 
Look to the cross and say, “I am blessed through Jesus.” 

Hidup dalam Roh Kudus

Hidup dalam Roh Kudus: Mengalami Kuasa, Pelayanan yang Lebih Baik, dan Pembaharuan Setiap Hari Pendahuluan: Saudara-saudaraku yang dikasi...