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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

we are one in Christ

The Head And Body Are One 

Colossians 1:18 
18And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. 

God’s Word says that Christ is the head and we the church are His body. So Christ and the church are one. Christ and you are one! You cannot say that God sees Christ the head perfect but His body imperfect. Or that Christ is accepted but His body not accepted. The measure of Jesus’ acceptance with God is the measure of your acceptance with God! 

So it makes no sense to say that the head is well but the body sick, that the head is rich but the body in lack, or that the head is at rest but the body full of stress. My friend, what Jesus is before God, you His body are. As He is, so are you in this world! (1 John 4:17) 

Today, God wants you to lay claim on Christ being your head. Start believing that all His perfections, and the delight and joy that He brings to the Father’s heart, He has set to your account. And you will begin to realize that as Jesus is a sweet-smelling aroma to the Father, so are you! 

The more you begin to see that you are one with Christ, the more you will realize that whatever you need right now, He is dispensing to you. If you are sick in your body, Christ your head imparts His health and healing to you. If you lack wisdom, Christ your head freely imparts His wisdom to you. If you have any lack, Christ your head gives you His exceeding riches. 

Beloved, have this rich revelation that Christ and you are one. You can never be separated from Christ your head from whom comes all the supply for your body — all the power, wisdom, provision and health. So declare, “As He is, so am I in this world!”
Thought For The Day 
The measure of Jesus’ acceptance with God is the measure of your acceptance with God! 
source jp daily devotion

draw near to God

As you continue to meditate upon scripture, confirming God’s WORD and make decisions in life based on the same WORD, you are likely becoming more Spirit-led, letting His wisdom affect your day-to-day life. In this last series part on seeking God’s wisdom and clarity, you will become more equipped to seek Him first and to know how to approach your circumstances. In particular, we want to emphasise the need to focus on Jesus and to be willing to let God steer you and train you. “But how do I do that?” you may ask.
Wherever you are in life, you can always draw nearer to God. Draw close to God’s heart by opening your life for Him to cleanse, correct and direct you (James 4:8). The Holy Spirit desires to teach and correct you to keep you from trouble — and to help you make wise choices in life. God gave you His Word so you can do things the right way (Deuteronomy 28). Jesus is coming back for a glorious church (Ephesians 5:27). The Church is to do even greater works than Jesus did (John 14:12). Put yourself aside and take on the nature of Jesus (Galatians 2:20). Give your full attention to God’s Word (Proverbs 4:20-23). Your spirit is reborn, but your soul must be renewed and trained by God’s Word (Romans 12:2). God does not condemn you (Romans 8:1). You have the victory to overcome the world—it’s your faith in God (1 John 5:4).
To draw near to God, you must spend time with Him on a regular basis. Write a daily goal of how much time you will give God by reading His Word, thinking about Him and listening/talking to Him.
We have God’s Word and many biblical resources — that makes us responsible to grow and mature as Christians (Luke 12:48). Faith in God works all the time and causes you to live in victory. It is God’s will that you be cleansed and renewed in your soul — your mind, will, and emotions (Romans 12:1-2). You need to be in an atmosphere of faith and an atmosphere of worship. You are not to be led by your emotions, but you are to worship the Lord with your whole spirit, soul and body. As God reveals Himself in the earth, be open to adding new revelations to what you already know. In a relationship, we must submit to each other’s strengths and be patient with each other’s weaknesses. Reject shame — God does not condemn you. Give your emotions to God, and He will put them in order. Determine to seek God’s will in every situation (Luke 22:42).
I’m telling you these things while I’m still living with you. The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you. Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left — feeling abandoned, bereft. So don’t be upset. Don’t be distraught. JOHN 14:26 MSG
If we want the deeper things of God to be more impactful for Him, to have our lives work in the way that God intended them to, to be on the forefront of what He’s doing and to be in this move of God — we have to present ourselves to Him. Knowing the love of God helps you trust Him, and then He can move in your life (Romans 8:38-39). Be positioned to trust the Lord to teach and keep you. If you will obey God in everything, you’ll be blessed all the days of your life. It will be valuable also, to try and realise you are weak in yourself, but strong in God (2 Corinthians 12:9-10, NLT). We are all to be equipped to minister the love of God to others. All in all, as we face daily decisions and larger life decisions, God wants you to trust Him and spend time with Him in conversation (Revelation 3:20). This will result in us gaining the wisdom of the deeper things of Our Lord.
  • Psalm 100:1
  • Proverbs 22:6
  • Galatians 2:20 MSG
  • James 1:5-8 MSG
  • Job 28:23-28
  • Psalm 119:9-16 MSG
  • Proverbs 24:3
  • 1 Corinthians 2:5
Father, I pray that the eyes of my heart will be flooded with light, understanding, and faith. I pray that I will know how to live and walk in victory and overcome all the situations in my life. By faith, I choose to seek and follow God in every situation in my life. All glory goes to You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
You may have finished this study, but don’t let this be the end of your journey on the pursuit in wisdom and clarity. Keep meditating on the truths you’ve learned. Continue to spend time with the Lord daily, keeping His Word before your eyes. 

the blood of Jesus alone saves

The Blood of JESUS Alone Saves 

Exodus 12:13
Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you…

On the night of the first Passover, many of the children of Israel were probably anxious. Imagine one Israelite asking another nervously, “Did you hear that the angel of death is passing through tonight?”

“Yes! We were told to put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of our home and everything would be all right. Is that true?”
Like the Israelites, you might be wondering, “Can the blood really protect me? How much blood do I have to put on my doorposts? Will the angel of death get me if I am fearful?”

My friend, don’t add to God’s conditions. He said, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you.” He did not say, “When I see the blood, plus your understanding, efforts, obedience, faithfulness and refusal to give in to fear, then I will pass over you.”

It is the blood of Jesus alone that delivers you. If you think that it is because of your faith, then you will always be wondering, “Do I have enough faith?” No my friend, it is His blood alone that saves. And when God sees that you see that it is the blood alone that saves, He calls that faith in the blood, and every plague will pass over you!

God wants you to know that it is Jesus’ blood alone that saves because every time you think that your deliverance depends partly on God and partly on you, you will not have a settled peace in your heart. But when you know that it is the blood alone that saves, you will have an unshakable peace.

It was the blood that saved the children of Israel from the destroyer on that Passover night and it is still the blood that saves today. And all you need to do for the blood to avail is to say, “Father, I thank You that the blood of Jesus alone covers me and my family. No evil, plague or disaster will befall me or my family because of the blood!”

Thought For The Day
When you know that it is Jesus’ blood alone that saves, you will enjoy unshakable peace. 

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